Welcome to my blog!

After setting up this ecosystem it was interesting to see and give value to the privacy factor. I’m not sure how prevalent it is in terms of server/ information location based on a lot of these larger companies not being fully transparent on where their information is being stored.

The blog idea is an interesting one in terms of gathering artifacts of learning, as well as being  a platform to connect with peers. I think it may be a great outlet for students to express their identity and (not to age myself but) have a MySpace identity.

I do worry about using mainstream applications though. Using Mattermost does not really make sense to me when an Application like Discord is much more widely used and would be an application students use in future endeavours. Also not using Google Classroom seems a miss, I know that District 61 exclusively using Classroom in order to organize, grade, and give content to their students. Would have been great to use that as our classwork vector.

As I pursued Education I always felt that technology was a great asset. However with COVID it appears as more of a zoom oriented nightmare that is looming over society. Technology now is a corner store of education and is quite intimidating to grasp. Thus I made a fun meme to portray this dismay: